Quem sou eu

Hello, I am Yasmin This blog is a work of escola.As girls in my group are: Natalia, Thayne, Karol, Angela, Jessica and I (: I hope you enjoy. kisses: *

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011


Many different religions are present in Trinidad and Tobago: Among Christian denominations (65.7%) are Roman Catholics, Anglicans,Seventh-day Adventist,Presbyterians,Methodists,Jehovah`s Witnesses and  other Evangelical groups. Other religious groups include Hindus (25.6%) and Muslims (6.6%) (2000 census).
Two African syncretic faiths, the Shouter or Spiritual Baptist and the Orisha faith (formerly called Shangos, a less than complimentary term) are among the fastest growing religious groups.
Similarly, there is a noticeable increase in numbers of a number of evangelical and fundamentalist churches usually lumped as "Pentecostal" by most Trinidadians (although this designation is often inaccurate).
A small Judaic community exists, as well as several other Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Taoism are followed by the Chinese community. There is also a small Baha`i community.


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